Advert Rates for
Thank you for considering advertising with We offer a variety of advertising options to suit your needs and help you reach our diverse and engaged audience.
Below are our current advertising rates in Naira (₦):

  1. Banner Ads
    Homepage Banner (728×90 pixels)
    i. Top of the Page: ₦50,000 per week
    ii. Middle of the Page: ₦45,000 per week
    iii. Bottom of the Page: ₦40,000 per week

    Sidebar Banner (300×250 pixels)
    iv. Top of the Sidebar: ₦30,000 per week
    v. Middle of the Sidebar: ₦25,000 per week
    vi. Bottom of the Sidebar: ₦20,000 per week
  1. Sponsored Content
    Article Feature
    Per Article: ₦60,000
    Includes placement on the homepage for 24 hours and promotion on our social media channels.

    Product Review
    Per Review: ₦50,000
    Includes detailed review by our editorial team and promotion on our social media channels.

  2. Newsletter Ads
    Newsletter Banner (600×150 pixels)
    i. Top of the Newsletter: ₦50,000 per week
    ii. Middle of the Newsletter: ₦40,000 per week

    Sponsored Email
    Per Email Blast: ₦750,000
    Dedicated email to our subscriber list featuring your content.

  3. Video Ads
    Pre-Roll Video Ad (15-30 seconds)
    Per Video: ₦50,000 per week
    Includes placement before our video content.

    In-Article Video Ad
    Per Video: ₦35,000 per week
    Embedded within our articles.

  4. Social Media Promotions
    Sponsored Post on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram
    Per Post: ₦25,000
    Includes customized content and targeted promotion.

    Social Media Story
    Per Story: ₦15,000
    Includes a short video or image ad on our Instagram and Facebook stories.

  5. Custom Packages
    We understand that every advertiser has unique needs. We offer custom advertising packages tailored to your specific goals and budget. Please contact our advertising team to discuss a personalized package.

Contact Us
For more information or to book your advertisement, please Contact Us.

We look forward to partnering with you to help you achieve your advertising goals!